当前位置:小鸭子儿童乐园 TAG标签 > 童谣视频下载
  • 小黄狗找朋友童谣视频下载

    小黄狗找朋友童谣视频下载,小黄狗找朋友视频内容介绍:小黄狗想要找朋友,但是挑来挑去一个也没找到,为什么呢?看了这个故事视频你就明白了。小黄狗,找朋友, 说猪黑,嫌熊丑,...阅读全文

  • 童谣小小竹排画中游视频下载

    童谣小小竹排画中游视频下载,小小竹排画中游童谣下载,小小竹排画中游歌词: 小竹排,顺水流。 鸟儿唱,鱼儿游。 两岸树木密, 禾苗绿油油。 江南鱼米乡, 小小竹排画中游。...阅读全文

  • 小鸡和小鸭童谣视频下载

    小鸡和小鸭童谣视频下载,童谣小鸡和小鸭歌词: 小鸡叽叽叽, 小鸭嘎嘎嘎, 小鸡吃小虫, 小鸭吃鱼虾。...阅读全文

  • 童谣视频钉钮扣下载

    童谣视频钉钮扣下载,钉钮扣童谣视频下载,童谣钉钮扣歌词: 花花衣,花花袖 掉下一颗小豆豆 金豆豆,银豆豆 那是一颗小纽扣 捡起来,捏在手 针线顺着扣眼走 自己钉,自己缝 奶奶叫我巧妞妞...阅读全文

  • 盖花楼童谣视频下载

    盖花楼童谣视频下载,童谣大全盖花楼视频下载,童谣盖花楼歌词: 盖,盖,盖花楼, 花楼低,碰着鸡, 鸡下蛋,碰着燕, 燕叼米,碰着小孩小是你。 盖,盖,盖花楼, 花楼低,碰着鸡,...阅读全文

  • 蒲公英童谣视频下载

    蒲公英童谣视频下载,童谣大全蒲公英视频下载,童谣蒲公英歌词: 蒲公英,开黄花, 花儿落了把伞打。 小白伞,长长把, 风儿一吹上天啦。 落到哪,哪安家, 明年春天又开花。...阅读全文

  • 小白鸽童谣视频下载

    小白鸽童谣视频下载,宝宝童谣小白鸽视频下载,童谣小白鸽歌词: 哥哥有只小白鸽, 小白鸽呀爱唱歌, 咕咕咕,咕咕咕, 哥哥听得乐呵呵。...阅读全文

  • 跳绳歌童谣视频下载

    跳绳歌童谣视频下载,童谣大全跳绳歌视频下载,跳绳歌歌词: 花儿红,鸟儿叫, 柳树底下把绳跳。 脚步越跳越灵巧。 你也跳,我也跳, 一个挨着一个跳, 挺起胸,向前跳, 脚步轻轻别摔...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣how do you get there视频下载

    英文童谣how do you get there下载,how do you get there英语童谣下载。how do you get there歌词: how do you get the zoo,how do you get the zoo, by car?no,by bus?no,by bike....阅读全文

  • 英文童谣baa baa,black sheep视频下载

    flash英文童谣baa baa,black sheep歌词:Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? 咩,咩,黑羊儿,你有羊毛吗? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! 有的先生,有的先生,装满三袋子! One for my master, one for my dame, 一袋给...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣I have a lion视频下载

    flash英文童谣I have a lion歌词: I have a lion, Furry and kind, Sits on a shelf . Near the autos that wind. Eyes wild and golden, Tail like a tuft. He will never slip out and leave me. He's stuffed....阅读全文

  • 英文童谣five little mice视频下载

    flash英文童谣five little mice歌词: Five little mice on the pantry floor. This little mouse peeked around the door. This little mouse nibbled on some cake. This little mouse not a sound did make. This little mouse heard the kitten sneeze. Ah--...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣eeny,meeny,miny,mo视频下载

    英文童谣eeny,meeny,miny,mo歌词: eeny,meeny,miny,mo, catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers,let him go. eeny,meeny,miny,mo eeny,meeny,miny,mo, catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers,let him go. eeny,meeny,miny,mo...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣Five Funny Frogs 视频下载

    英文童谣flash Five Funny Frogs 歌词: Five funny frogs fretting on the floor , One jumped away , and that left four. Four funny frogs frolicking in a tree, One jumped down, and that left three..........阅读全文

  • 英文童谣five little monkeys视频下载

    英文童谣five little monkeys歌词: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Four little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off an...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣Ten small potatoes视频下载

    TEN SMALL POTATOES 10 small potatoes are feeling just fine. One gets sick, and then there are nine. 9 small potaoes are standing up straight. One sits down, and then there are eight. 8 small potatoes are going up to heaven. One falls down, and then t...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌Fly Fly the Butterfly视频下载

    英文儿歌flash Fly Fly the Butterfly歌词: Fly fly fly The Butterfly , In the meadow it's flying high , In the gardern it is flying low , Fly fly fly The Butterfly . Fly fly fly The Butterfly , In the meadow it's flying high , In the gardern it...阅读全文

  • Ten fat sausages视频下载

    Ten Fat Sausages Ten fat sausages sitting in the pan, One went pop, and another went bam! Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan, One went pop, and another went bam! Six fat sausages sitting in the pan, One went pop, and another went bam! Four fat sau...阅读全文

  • My brother and I 视频下载

    My brother and I, He's asleep. I'm awake. My brother and I! My brother and I, His bed is on top.. Mine's on bottom. My brother and I! My brother and I, He's outside the bathroom. I'm inside. My brother and I! My brother and I, He's got a heavy piggy...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌Clap your hands视频下载

    Clap Your Hands Clap,clap,clap your hands, As slowly as you can. Clap,clap,clap your hands as quickly as you can. Shake,shake,shake your hands, As slowly as you can. Shake,shake,shake your hands as quickly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands, As sl...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣Grandmas classes视频下载

    Here are Grandma\'s glasses, Here is Grandma's hat, This is the way she folds Her hands and puts them in her lap. Here are Grandpa\'s glasses Here is Grandpa's hat This is the way he folds His arms and sits like tha...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣Who store the cookies from the cookie jar视频下载

    Who store the cookies from the cookie jar? Cindy store the cookies from the cookie jar, Who?me? Yes,you, Not me, Then who? Linda store the cookies from the cookie jar, Who?me? Yes,you, Not me, Then who? Sally store the cookies from the cookie jar, Wh...阅读全文