当前位置:小鸭子儿童乐园 TAG标签 > flash童谣
  • flash英文童谣snow

    flash英文童谣snow歌词: Snow snow,where will you go? I don't know, I don't know where i will go. Snow snow,where will you go? I don't know, I don't know where i will go....阅读全文

  • flash英文童谣sing a song

    flash英文童谣sing a song歌词: sing a song,sing a song; Beautiful music for the song; Get ready Let's go; Everybody sing a song....阅读全文

  • flash英文童谣rainy day

    flash英文童谣rainy day歌词: rainy,rainy day, I hope i could go to play; rainy,rainy day, I hope i could go to play;...阅读全文

  • flash童谣 公鸡找鞋

    flash童谣 公鸡找鞋: 公鸡公鸡可听见, 我刚生下一只蛋, 光脚走出真难看。 母鸡母鸡听我说, 我的铁鞋都踏破, 城里商店都去过, 低的鞋子没着落; 为了给你找鞋穿, 我的嗓子都...阅读全文

  • 幼儿童谣哪个看书好flash

    童谣哪个看书好flash歌词: 小珍和小宝,捧着图书瞧, 小狗和小猫,也来凑热闹, 小珍看图书,边看边动脑, 小猫看见了,喵喵叫声好, 小宝看图书,一下翻完了, 小狗汪汪叫,怕你懂...阅读全文

  • 童谣快乐的小蜜蜂flash

    童谣快乐的小蜜蜂flash歌词: 嗡嗡嗡 嗡嗡嗡, 我们是快乐的小蜜蜂, 采花粉,勤做工, 酿好蜜糖好过冬。...阅读全文

  • flash童谣我有一只可爱的小狗

    flash童谣我有一只可爱的小狗歌词: 我有一只可爱的小狗,蹦蹦跳跳跟在身后 竖着圆圆耳朵,长着尖尖嘴 晃着大尾巴,摇着狮子头 啦啦啦,啦啦啦 小狗小狗,我的好朋友,我的好朋友...阅读全文

  • flash英文童谣baa baa,black sheep

    flash英文童谣baa baa,black sheep歌词: Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?   咩,咩,黑羊儿,你有羊毛吗?   Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!   有的先生,有的先生,装满三袋子!   One for my ma...阅读全文

  • flash英文童谣five little mice

    flash英文童谣five little mice歌词: Five little mice on the pantry floor. This little mouse peeked around the door. This little mouse nibbled on some cake. This little mouse not a sound did make....阅读全文

  • flash英文童谣I have a lion

    flash英文童谣I have a lion歌词: I have a lion, Furry and kind, Sits on a shelf . Near the autos that wind. Eyes wild and golden, Tail like a tuft. He will never slip out and leave me. He's stuffed. ...阅读全文

  • 英文童谣eeny,meeny,miny,mo

    英文童谣eeny,meeny,miny,mo歌词: eeny,meeny,miny,mo, catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers,let him go. eeny,meeny,miny,mo ...阅读全文

  • 中文童谣弟弟摔倒我扶起flash

    中文童谣弟弟摔倒我扶起介绍: 弟弟走路不注意, 摔倒在地我扶起。 替他拍掉身上灰, 帮他洗掉手上泥。 我要做个好孩子, 互相帮助在心里。...阅读全文

  • 童谣月亮姑姑跟我走flash

    童谣月亮姑姑跟我走歌词: 月亮姑姑跟我走, 我快走,它快走, 我慢走,它慢走, 我停下,它不走, 跟在别人身后头, 我说月亮羞羞羞。...阅读全文

  • flash童谣别说我小

    中文童谣别说我小歌词: 妈妈你别说我小, 我会穿衣和洗澡。 爸爸你别说我小, 我会擦桌把地扫。 奶奶你别说我小, 我会给花把说浇。 爷爷你别说我小, 我做的活也不少。...阅读全文
