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  • flash儿歌大全100首


  • 蒙古儿歌乌兰巴托的爸爸flash动画

    蒙古儿歌乌兰巴托的爸爸flash歌词: 想你啊乌兰巴托的爸爸 , 想念你就唱你教的歌谣 , 爸爸的心像是辽阔草原 , 我是羊群像白云 。 ...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌five little ducks 五只小鸭flash

    英文儿歌five little ducks 五只小鸭flash歌词: Five little ducks Went out one day 一天五只小鸭出了门 Over the hills and far away 翻过小山走了很远 Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack, quack." ...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌happy happy home视频

    flash英文儿歌 happy happy home歌词: With father in the family, happy happy home, happy happy home, happy happy home, ...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌 vegetable song 蔬菜歌flash

    英文儿歌 vegetable song 蔬菜歌flash歌词: come in here follow me, sing a vegetable song with me. eat the carrot ,eat the peas eat the tomatos, eat the beans eat the turnip,eat the corn eat the cabbage and the french bean....阅读全文

  • 韩国儿歌 韩语儿童版大长今flash

    韩国儿歌 韩语儿童版大长今flash歌词:看天空飘的云还有梦,看生命回家路路程漫漫,看明天的岁月越走越远。远方的回忆的你的微笑。天黑路茫茫心中的彷徨。没有云的方向。...阅读全文

  • 韩国儿歌用英语打招呼flash


  • 日本经典儿歌 红蜻蜓flash

    儿歌视频大全栏目提供红蜻蜓儿童歌曲视频在线观看及免费下载,红蜻蜓儿歌视频歌词:夕焼小焼の、赤とんぼ 晚霞渐去,红蜻蜓飞来飞去,负われて见たのは、いつの日か ...阅读全文

  • 日本经典儿歌 四季歌flash

    日本经典儿歌 四季歌flash歌词: 喜爱春天的人儿是心地纯洁的人, 像紫罗兰花儿一样是我知心的朋友, 喜爱夏天的人儿是意志坚强的人, 像冲打岩礁的波浪一样是我敬爱的父亲,...阅读全文

  • 韩语儿歌蝴蝶呀蝴蝶flash

    韩语儿歌蝴蝶呀蝴蝶flash歌词: 나비야 나비야 이리 날아 오너라 노랑나비 흰 나비 춤을 추며 오너라 봄바람에 꽃잎도 방긋방긋 웃으며 참새도 짹짹짹 노래하며 춤춘다 ...阅读全文

  • 韩语儿歌驼背老奶奶 flash

    韩国儿歌:꼬부랑 할머니 驼背老奶奶 歌词: 꼬부랑 할머니 flash 歌词 1. 꼬부랑 할머니가 꼬부랑 고갯길을 꼬부랑 꼬부랑 넘어가고 있네 꼬부랑 꼬부랑 꼬부랑 꼬부랑 ...阅读全文

  • 韩语儿歌小雪人flash

    韩国儿歌小雪人 歌词: 1. 한겨울에 밀짚모자 꼬마 눈사람 눈썹이 우습구나 코도 비뚤고 거울을 보여줄까 꼬마 눈사람 ...阅读全文

  • 韩国儿歌我的脸像苹果flash


  • 韩语儿歌生日快乐歌flash

    韩语儿歌生日快乐歌flash歌词: 생일 축하 합니다 祝你生日快乐 생일 축하 합니다 祝你生日快乐 지구에서 우주에서 在地球 在宇宙 ...阅读全文

  • flash韩国儿歌 猪妈妈 猪宝宝

    flash韩国儿歌 猪妈妈 猪宝宝 中文歌词韩文歌词对照: 토실 토실 아기돼지 젖 달라고 꿀꿀꿀 胖乎乎的猪宝宝跑来要奶喝,咕咕咕 ...阅读全文

  • 韩语儿歌数字歌flash

    韩语儿歌数字歌flash中文韩语歌词对照: 일 일초라도 안보이면 一,即使一秒钟看不到你 이 이렇게 초조한데 二,我也会很不安 삼 삼초는 어떻게 기다려 三,怎么可能等到三秒鐘...阅读全文

  • flash英文儿歌 where is Mr. thumb

    flash英文儿歌 where is Mr. thumb歌词: where is Mr. thumb,where is Mr. thumb。 Here I am,Here I am, How are you todasy,sir? very well,i thank you, Run and hide,Run and hide....阅读全文

  • flash英文儿歌 barney thems song

    flash英文儿歌 barney thems song歌词: Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination And when he's tall He's what we call a dinosaur sensation Barney's friends are big and small They come from lots of places...阅读全文

  • flash英文儿歌catch a fish

    flash英文儿歌catch a fish歌词: One,two,three,four,five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven,eight,nine,ten. Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? 'Cause it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on t...阅读全文

  • flash英文儿歌Once I caught a fish alive

    flash英文儿歌Once I caught a fish alive歌词: One,two,three,four,five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven,eight,nine,ten. Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? 'Cause it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little fing...阅读全文

  • flash英文儿歌 elephant 大象

    flash英文儿歌 elephant 大象歌词: Elephant elephant why your nose so long? That’s because my mother’s nose is also very long. Elephant elephant whom do you like most of all? Let me see I think I like my mother most of all. ...阅读全文

  • flash英文儿歌rain rain go away

    flash英文儿歌rain rain go away 歌词: rain rain go away,come again another day. rain rain go away,little maggie wants to play. rain rain on the green grass, oh!rain rain on the trees....阅读全文