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  • 幼儿英语儿歌what are you doing视频

    简单易懂的幼儿英语儿歌what are you doing视频在线观看及下载,what are you doing英语儿歌歌词: Maxie,what are you doing? I'm running,I'm running. Maxie,what are you doing? I am eating now. Maxie,what are you doing? I'm running...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌视频老麦当劳有个农场Old Macdonald had a

    老麦当劳有个农场Old Macdonald had a farm是一首非常经典的英语儿歌歌曲,农场里有小鸡,小鸭,小猪,小狗等等,下面我们一起来看这首英语儿歌视频吧。Old Macdonald had a farm歌词:ld Macdonald had...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌结交新朋友Make new friends视频

    make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other gold.结交新朋友,不忘老朋友,一个是银,一个是金。小朋友,有了新朋友,不要忘记老朋友哦,一起来学习这首好听的幼儿英语儿歌吧。...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌早上好(good morning to you)视频

    小朋友们,大家都知道早上好用英语说是:Good Morning To You,那么,你会唱Good Morning To You这首英语儿歌吗?先一起来听听这首歌好听不好听吧。Good Morning To You, Good Morning To You, We are all in our pla...阅读全文

  • 英文字母歌ABC song英语儿歌视频

    英文字母歌ABC song,这是一首英语儿歌视频,带字幕,小朋友可一边唱歌一边学英语,大家一起来吧:A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N ,O P Q R S T, U V W X Y and Z ,Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me。...阅读全文

  • 幼儿园英语儿歌apple round,apple red

    幼儿园英语儿歌apple round,apple red。苹果圆圆,苹果红红,小朋友们都喜欢吃苹果,那就让我们一起来唱一首歌唱苹果的英语儿歌吧。Apple round,Apple red. Apple round,Apple red. Apple juicy, Apple sweet. Appl...阅读全文

  • rain,rain,go away雨儿雨儿快走开

    幼儿英语歌曲雨儿雨儿快走开rain,rain,go away视频描述了一个孩子的心声。小朋友,下雨的时候你是不是也希望雨停啊?雨停了才能出去玩。这首英语儿歌表达的也是这个意思哦,大家一起来听吧...阅读全文

  • 阿里巴巴的农场Ali Baba's Farm

    阿里巴巴的农场Ali Baba's Farm是一首快乐活泼的英语儿歌,适合幼儿园小朋友听唱。阿里巴巴有一个小农场,农场里有小羊,有小牛,还有小猪,是不是很有趣?这首英文儿歌非常受小朋友们喜...阅读全文

  • 少儿英语歌曲hey moon视频

    少儿英语歌曲hey moon,英语儿歌大全hey moon在线观看及下载,英文儿歌hey moon歌词: Hey,moon!嘿,月亮! Hey moon, I see you shining for all the people, 嘿,月亮,我看见你照耀所有人, And shining for me too.也照耀...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲the train视频

    儿童英语歌曲the train,英文儿歌视频大全the train在线观看及下载,英语儿歌the train歌词: 儿歌名称:The Train:火车 the wheels of the train go round and round, 火车的轮子转呀转, clickety clack clickefy clack, 咔嗒...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲you're adorable视频

    儿童英语歌曲you're adorable视频,you're adorable英语儿歌视频,英语儿歌you're adorablee歌词: A,you're adorable. B,you're so beautiful. C,you're so cute and full of charm. D,you're a darling. E,you're exciting. F,you're feather in...阅读全文

  • 少儿英语歌曲When I was a young girl视频

    少儿英语歌曲When I was a young girl视频,When I was a young girl英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌When I was a young girl歌词:When I was a young girl. A young girl,a young girl.When I was a young girl. How happy was I.And this way and that way...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌What animal is it视频

    幼儿英语儿歌What animal is it视频,What animal is it英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌What animal is it歌词: What animal is it?It's an elephant. What animal is it?It's a kanggaroo. What animal is it?It's a gorilla. What animal is it?It's a ti...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲What's on the Bed视频

    儿童英语歌曲What's on the Bed视频,What's on the Bed英语儿歌视频,英语儿歌What's on the Bed歌词: What's on the bed? A bus and a box. What's on the box? Bread and a boat. What's on the boat? It's a bike. A bike is on the boat....阅读全文

  • 少儿英语歌曲What is there in the beautiful world视频

    少儿英语歌曲What is there in the beautiful world视频,What is there in the beautiful world英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌What is there in the beautiful world歌词:What is there in the beautiful world,there is a magical castle,what are there...阅读全文

  • 少儿英语歌曲what do you see视频

    少儿英语歌曲what do you see视频,what do you see英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌what do you see歌词: What do you see?What do you see in the bedroom? I see a bed in the bedroom. What do you see?What do you see in the bedroom? I see a sheet.I...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲it's up to me and you视频

    儿童英语歌曲it's up to me and you视频,it's up to me and you英语儿歌视频,英语儿歌it's up to me and you歌词: It's up to me and you!(就看你与我) 「你知不知道我们要做什么?世界只得一个,就看你与我!」...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌Two Little Dicky Birds视频

    幼儿英语儿歌Two Little Dicky Birds视频,Two Little Dicky Birds英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌Two Little Dicky Birds歌词: Two little dicky birds,sitting on a wall, One named Peter one named Paul, Fly away Peter fly away Paul, Come b...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌Three Little Piggies视频

    幼儿英语儿歌Three Little Piggies视频,Three Little Piggies英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌Three Little Piggies歌词: Mommy pig had three little piggies. Piggies, piggies, oink, oink, oink. One day they built three little houses. Ping-pong! P...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌This cat is little视频

    幼儿英语儿歌This cat is little视频,This cat is little英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌This cat is little歌词: This cat is little.It's a little cat. It is not a big cat. This cat is dirty.It's a dirty cat. It is not a clean cat. This dog is...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌when the saints go marching in视频

    幼儿英语儿歌when the saints go marching in视频,when the saints go marching in英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌when the saints go marching in歌词: Oh,when the saints go marching in.Oh,when the saints go marching in. Oh Lord,I want to be in t...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲The Dog in the Window视频

    儿童英语歌曲The Dog in the Window视频,The Dog in the Window英语儿歌视频,英语儿歌The Dog in the Window歌词: How much is that doggie in the window?The one with the waggily tail? How much is that doggie in the window?I do hope that...阅读全文