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  • 英文儿歌piza and chips歌词

    Monday night Molly had a fright , A hungry monster Knocking at the window, Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips, I am going to eat you with Piza and chips. Piza and chips,Piza and chips, I am going to eat you with Piza and chips... Monday night Mol...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌pease porridge hot歌词

    Pease porridge hot! Pease porridge cold! Pease porridge in the pot Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, I like it in the pot Nine days old! Pease porridge hot! Pease porridge cold! Pease porridge in the pot Nine days old. Some like it...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌pat a cake歌词

    Pat-a-cake,pat-a-cake, baker's man! Bake me a cake just as fast as you can. Pat it and prick it and mark it with B. Put it in the oven for baby and me,. For baby and me, for baby and me. Put it in the oven for baby and me. Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, bak...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌old macdonald had a farm歌词

    Old McDonald had a farm, E-Ya-E-Ya-Yo,And on the farm, he had a cat,E-Ya-E-Ya-Yo, With miaomiao here, and miaomiao there, Here miao,there miao, everywhere miaomiao. Old McDonald had a farm, E-Ya-E-Ya-Yo Old McDonald had a farm, E-Ya-E-Ya-Yo, And on...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌make new friends歌词

    make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other gold. make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other gold. make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other gold. make new friends, but keep the old. one...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌london bridge歌词

    London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌hello song歌词

    Hello,hello,hello how are you I am fine,i am fine I hope that you are too. Hello,hello,hello how are you I am fine,i am fine I hope that you are too....阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌head shoulder knee and toe歌词

    Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes. Eyes and ears , mouth and nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes....阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌good morning to you歌词

    Good Morning To You, Good Morning To You, We are all in our places, with sunshiny faces. Good Morning To You, Good Morning To You, Good Morning To You, Good Morning To You, We are all in our places, with sunshiny faces. Good Morning To You, Good Morn...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌The broomg歌词

    The broom,the broom, What do we with it? We sweep the floor, We sweep the floor, Each morning,each morning. The broom,the broom, What do we with it? We sweep the floor, We sweep the floor, Each morning,each morning....阅读全文

  • 童谣布娃娃别生气歌词

    布娃娃,你别生气, 我来给你赔个礼。 刚才不该发脾气, 使劲把你扔在地。 弄脏了你的新花衣, 摔得你脸上都是泥。 一定还很疼吧? 真是对不起! 衣服脏了我给你拍, 脸儿脏了我给你洗。...阅读全文

  • 童谣蚂蚁和蚂蚱歌词

    小花瓣,小花瓣, 飘飘悠悠象小船。 四只蚂蚁上了船。 拿起浆儿划得欢, 一二三,一二三, 一划划到河对岸。 四只蚂蚱上了船, 你踢我撞吵翻天, 扑隆冬,小船翻, 四只蚂蚱完了蛋。...阅读全文

  • 童谣角对角歌词

    两只小羊不要好, 打起架来角对角。 羊妈妈,看见了, 拉开两个小宝宝: 小宝宝,要知道, 我们为啥长两只角? 要是用角打自己, 狼在一边看着笑。...阅读全文

  • 儿歌猫和狗鸭和鹅歌词

    小花猫,小花狗, 花猫花狗一起走。 狗说猫儿个子矮, 猫说狗儿长得丑, 他俩难做好朋友。 小白鸭,小白鹅, 两个一块来唱歌。 你摇尾巴我摇头, 格格格格跳下河, 好像弟弟和哥哥。...阅读全文

  • 儿歌小青蛙敲大鼓歌词

    小青蛙,敲大鼓, 敲在自己脑袋上, 疼得呜啊呜啊哭。 爸爸过来摸一摸, 妈妈过来摸一摸, 好乖乖,不要哭! 不疼不疼再敲敲。 小青蛙,敲大鼓...阅读全文

  • 儿歌风儿找妈妈歌词

    太阳回家了, 月亮回家了, 风儿风儿还在刮, 它在找妈妈。 问过小树, 问过小花, 妈妈妈妈你在哪, 别把我丢下。 捎给妈妈一句话, 风儿好想她。 太阳回家了, 月亮回家了, 风儿风儿还在刮,...阅读全文

  • 儿歌自己跌倒自己爬歌词

    喂喂不要怕,你是好娃娃, 自己跌倒自己爬, 你看山上,为你开满红花, 你要是好娃娃, 要自己跌倒自己爬. 喂喂不要怕,我是好娃娃, 自己跌倒自己爬, 虽然人小,我们志气大, 我们是好娃娃, 要自己跌...阅读全文

  • 儿歌小小一个球歌词

    小小一个球, 拍来很趁手, 拍前就向前, 拍后就向后, 放学拿着走, 睡觉放胸口, 小小一个球, 是我好朋友。...阅读全文

  • 儿歌鄂伦春小唱歌词

    高高的兴安岭, 一片大森林. 森林里面住着勇敢的鄂伦春, 一呀一匹烈马, 一呀一杆枪, 獐狍野鹿满山满地, 打呀么打不尽。 高高的兴安岭, 一片大森林. 森林里面住着勇敢的鄂伦春, 一呀一匹烈马...阅读全文

  • 儿歌我们学校亚克西歌词

    我们学校亚克西,亚克西亚克西, 要问什么亚克西?什么亚克西? 我们美丽的校园,亚克西亚克西, 室内明又亮,室外花满地, 亚克西亚克西,学校亚克西。 我们学校亚克西,亚克西亚克西, 要问什么...阅读全文

  • 儿歌彝家娃娃真幸福歌词

    白衣白帽阿里里, 银项链罗阿里里, 彝家娃娃阿里里, 真快活罗阿里里。 又唱歌罗阿里里, 又跳舞罗阿里里, 彝家娃娃阿里里, 真幸福罗阿里里。...阅读全文

  • 童谣红花开得万万年歌词

    紫金花,开的鲜, 开了紫金开鸡冠。 鸡冠花,开的红, 开了鸡冠开芙蓉。 芙蓉花,靠南墙, 开了芙蓉开丁香, 丁香花,颤悠悠, 开了丁香开佛手, 佛手花,五指垂, 开了佛手开玫瑰, 玫...阅读全文