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  • two little apples英文儿歌视频下载

    two little apples英文儿歌视频下载,mp4格式,下载前请先试听。英语儿歌 two little apples歌词: way up high in a tree, two little apples smailed at me. So I shook the tree as hard as I could, Down fell the apples Mmm,Mmm,good!...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌walking,walking视频下载

    英文儿歌walking,walking视频下载,mp4格式。儿童英语歌曲walking,walking歌词: Walking Walking,Walking walking, Hop hop hop,Hop hop hop, Running running running , Running running running , Now let's stop. up and down. Walking Walking,...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌Wee Willie Winkie视频下载

    英文儿歌Wee Willie Winkie视频下载,Wee Willie Winkie英语儿歌视频下载,mp4格式,下载前请先试看。Wee Willie Winkie歌词: Wee willie winkie, runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs, in his night-gown, Rapping at the...阅读全文

  • we've got the whole world in our hands视频下载

    we've got the whole world in our hands视频下载,mp4格式,下载前请先试看。we've got the whole world in our hands歌词: we've got the whole world in our hands. we've got the whole world in our hands. we've got the whole world in our ha...阅读全文

  • what are you doing英语儿歌视频下载

    what are you doing英语儿歌视频下载,mp4格式,可在手机和电脑上观看,下载前请先试看。what are you doing英语儿歌歌词: Maxie,what are you doing? I'm running,I'm running. Maxie,what are you doing? I am eating now. Maxi...阅读全文

  • when do you eat lunch英语儿歌mp4下载

    when do you eat lunch英语儿歌视频下载,mp4格式,手机电脑均可播放,画面清晰。下载前请先试看。when do you eat lunch歌词: When do you eat lunch,lunch? When do you eat lunch? I eat lunch at 12:15,at 12:15. When do you...阅读全文

  • can you ride a bike英语儿歌视频下载

    can you ride a bike英语儿歌视频下载,英文儿歌can you ride a bike歌词: Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can,Yes,I can, Can you fly a kite? No,no,no,I can't. Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can,Yes,I can, Can you fly a kite? No,no,no,I can't....阅读全文

  • 幼儿学英语字母儿歌letterX and Z下载

    幼儿学英语字母儿歌letterX and Z下载,字母儿歌letterX and Z歌词: Foxes in the zoo,X X X Axes in the zoo,X X X Foxes in the zoo,X X X \Xis the sound of X. Big X,little X,fun,fun,fun. Zebra in the zoo,\z\ \z\ \z\, Zero in the zoo,\z\ \...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌ring,ring,ring the bells视频下载

    英文儿歌ring,ring,ring the bells视频下载,mp4格式,下载前请先试看。ring,ring,ring the bells歌词: Ring,ring,ring the bells, Ring them loud and clear. To tell the children everywhere, That Christmastime is here. Ring,ring,ring the...阅读全文

  • 小猫捉老鼠儿歌视频下载

    小猫捉老鼠儿歌视频下载,mp4格式,下载前请先试听。儿歌小猫捉老鼠歌词: 一只小老鼠, 瞪着小眼珠, 眦着两只小牙, 长着八字胡. 一只小花猫, 喵喵喵喵喵 吓得老鼠赶快往回跑 一只小老鼠...阅读全文

  • 把心儿种在春天里mp4视频下载

    儿童歌曲把心儿种在春天里mp4视频下载,把心儿种在春天里儿歌视频下载,下载前请先试看。把心儿种在春天里歌词: 梦中有一片绿草地,啦啦, 前面有条清亮的小溪,啦啦, 飘荡的纸船,装满了愿...阅读全文

  • 儿歌懒惰虫视频下载-mp4格式

    儿歌懒惰虫视频下载-mp4格式,可在手机播放,下载前先播放试看。懒惰虫歌词: 你是懒惰虫, 你是懒惰虫, 你的一身都是痛, 又是眼睛痛, 又是肚子痛, 你的一身都是痛。 你是懒惰虫,...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌I can sing a rainbow视频下载

    I can sing a rainbow英语儿歌下载,幼儿英语儿歌I can sing a rainbow下载,英文儿歌I can sing a rainbow歌词:Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, You can sing one too!查看完...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌blooming flowers视频下载

    blooming flowers英语儿歌视频下载,英文儿歌blooming flowers下载。flowers are blooming,blooming in May,beautiful clolours like sun rays.flowers are blooming,blooming by the lake.blooming,blooming,blooming,blooming all the day....阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲hey moon下载

    儿童英语歌曲hey moon下载,hey moon英文儿歌下载,英语儿歌hey moon歌词:Hey,moon!嘿,月亮! Hey moon, I see you shining for all the people, 嘿,月亮,我看见你照耀所有人, And shining for me too. 也照耀着我。 M...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌the train视频下载

    the train英文儿歌下载,儿童英语歌曲the train下载,英语儿歌the train歌词: 儿歌名称:The Train:火车 the wheels of the train go round and round,火车的轮子转呀转, clickety clack clickefy clack,咔嗒咔嗒, the wheels o...阅读全文

  • 有你才有温暖的家儿歌视频下载

    有你才有温暖的家儿歌视频下载,儿歌有你才有温暖的家下载,少儿歌曲有你才有温暖的家歌词:月光光,想爸爸,脸上挂着泪花花。 有苦学会自己吃,有泪学会自己擦。 多少情,给爸爸。 梦里...阅读全文

  • 问候歌儿歌视频下载

    儿歌视频大全下载栏目提供问候歌儿歌视频下载,儿歌问候歌视频下载,儿歌问候歌歌词:啊朋友们请听呀听呀听呀我唱歌来问候你, 有什么事情呀情呀情呀我能够帮助你, 在春天夏天并呀并呀...阅读全文

  • 儿歌笑一个吧视频下载


  • 自己跌倒自己爬儿歌视频下载

    儿歌视频大全下载栏目提供自己跌倒自己爬儿歌视频下载,儿歌自己跌倒自己爬视频下载,儿歌自己跌倒自己爬歌词:喂喂不要怕,你是好娃娃,自己跌倒自己爬, 你看山上,为你开满红花,你要是好娃...阅读全文

  • 小小鸡幼儿歌曲视频下载

    小小鸡幼儿歌曲视频下载,儿歌小小鸡下载,儿歌小小鸡歌词: 小小鸡,小小鸡, 我是一只小小鸡, 背小包,戴小帽, 走在草地里, 小鸡妈妈不要哭, 小鸡怎么不见了。 小小鸡,小小鸡, 快快回来吧...阅读全文

  • 喂鸡儿歌视频下载

    儿歌视频大全下载栏目提供喂鸡儿歌视频下载,喂鸡视频下载,儿歌喂鸡歌词:奶奶喂了两只鸡呀,什么鸡?什么鸡? 大母鸡和大公鸡呀。大母鸡,大公鸡。 一只白天忙下蛋呀,哎咳哟哎咳哟...阅读全文