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  • 儿歌五十六个民族五十六朵花歌词

    爱我中华,爱我中华, 赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗--嘿。 五十六个星座五十六只花, 五十六族兄弟姐妹是一家, 五十六种语言汇成一句话, 爱我中华爱我中华爱我中华。 爱我中华,靳奋起的...阅读全文

  • 儿歌石头剪刀布歌词

    作词:陈秋含 作曲:陈秋含 演唱:邓文怡(9岁) 邓力玮(6岁) 怡:石头剪刀布,你输了总会哭, 时间留不住我脸上的泥土. 破旧运动裤,走过了多少路, 你画的长颈鹿我拼命地守护. 玮:沙漏在...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌The Riddle Song歌词

    I gave my love a cherry that had no stone, I gave my love a chicken that had no bone, I tlod my love a story that had no end, I gave my love a baby with no crying. How can there be a cherry that has no stone? How can there be a chicken that has no bo...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌There's a Hole in the Bucket歌词

    There's a hole in the bucket ,dear Liza ,dear Liza, There's a hole in the bucket,,dear Liza, a hole. Then fix it ,dear Henry ,dear Henry ,dear Henry, Then fix it,,dear Henry,dear Henry, fix it. With what should I fix it ,dear Liza,,dear Liza, With wh...阅读全文

  • 儿歌There's a hole in the middle of the roa歌词

    There's a hole in the middle of the road, There's a hole in the middle of the road, There's a hole,There's a hole, There's a hole in the middle of the road. There's a hole in the middle of the road, There's a hole in the middle of the road, There's a...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌Today Is Monday歌词带翻译

    Today is Monday,today is Monday, 今天是星期一,今天是星期一, Monday washday, 星期一洗衣服, All you hungry brothers, 兄弟们都饿了, We wish the same to you. 我们希望你也一样。 Today is Tuesday,today i...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌Tommy Thumb歌词

    Tommy Thumb is up and Tommy Thumb is down, Tommy Thumb is dancing all around the town, Dancing on my shoulders, dancing on my head, Dancing on my knees, now I tuck him into bed. Peter Pointer's up and Peter Pointer's down, Peter Pointer's dancing all...阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌Tony Chestnut歌词

    Tony Chestnut knows I love you, Tony knows, Tony knows. Tony Chestnut knows I love you, That's what Tony knows. Tony Chestnut knows I love you, Tony knows Tony knows, Tony Chestnut knows I love you, That's what Tony knows....阅读全文

  • 英文儿歌two little apples歌词

    way up high in a tree, two little apples smailed at me. So I shook the tree as hard as I could, Down fell the apples Mmm,Mmm,good! way up high in a tree, two little apples smailed at me. So I shook the tree as hard as I could, Down fell the apples Mm...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌Wee Willie Winkie小威力温奇歌词

    Wee willie winkie, runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs, in his night-gown, Rapping at the window, crying through the lock, Are the children all in bed, for now its eight oclock? 小威力温奇,在城里跑来跑去, 穿着睡袍上楼來...阅读全文

  • 儿歌拍手拍手歌词

    每当我们高兴的时候, 大家一起拍手,拍手, 掌声随风四处飘飘, 欢乐留在每个人的心头。 拍手拍手, 这就是我们衷心的祝福。 拍手拍手,发扬文明新风, 我们走在前头。 每当同学得到了...阅读全文

  • 儿歌北京的金山上歌词

    北京的金山上光芒照四方, 毛主席就是那金色的太阳, 多么温暖 多么慈祥, 把我们农奴的心儿照亮. 我们迈步走在, 社会主义幸福的大道上, 哎 巴扎嘿. 北京的金山上光芒照四方, 毛泽东思想哺育...阅读全文

  • 儿歌阿里里歌词-二年级音乐

    阿里里,阿里里, (阿喂)里里(哟格)花花赛,花花赛, (阿喂)里里(哟格)花花赛,花花赛, 撒小秧,撒小秧, (阿喂)三月(哟格)撒小秧,撒小秧, (阿喂)三月(哟格)撒小秧,撒...阅读全文

  • 儿歌小脚丫走天下歌词

    小脚丫,走天下, 走到海边捉鱼虾, 鱼儿多,虾儿大。 小脚丫,走天下, 走到雪山摘莲花, 冰雪寒,我不怕。 小脚丫,走天下, 走到西藏看晚霞, 天很蓝,塔很大。 小脚丫,走天下, 祖...阅读全文

  • 儿歌请你和我跳个舞歌词

    请你和我跳个舞, 请用小手拉着我, 伸右脚,伸左脚, 转个圈儿站站好。 你的小脚踏踏踏, 你的小手拍拍拍。 伸右脚,伸左脚, 转个圈儿站站好。 请你和我跳个舞, 请用小手拉着我, 伸...阅读全文

  • 儿歌拉勾勾歌词

    金勾勾,银勾勾, 小小指头勾一勾, 金勾勾,银勾勾, 我们都是好朋友. 金勾勾,银勾勾, 小小指头勾一勾, 金勾勾,银勾勾, 我们都是好朋友....阅读全文

  • 儿歌小格桑歌词

    我叫小格桑啊, 爱玩冲锋枪呀, 长大跨上大红马, 保卫祖国、守边疆。 亚拉索,亚拉索,索里,亚拉索, 长大跨上大红马, 保卫祖国守边疆。嘿!亚拉索。 我叫小格桑啊, 爱玩冲锋枪呀,...阅读全文

  • 儿歌给爷爷奶奶敲敲背捶捶腿歌词

    爷爷亲呦,奶奶亲呦, 我是你的好宝宝呦, 宝宝不撒娇呦, 宝宝不胡闹呦, 我是你的好宝宝呦。 咚咚咚咚,敲敲背呦, 两只小手忙得欢呦, 咚咚咚咚咚咚,捶捶腿呀, 两只小手忙得欢呦...阅读全文

  • 儿歌快乐的do re mi歌词

    你认识我,我认识你, 你是快乐的do re mi, 在春天里,在树林里, 你变成了小鸟的歌曲, 哩哩哩哩哩, 哩哩哩哩哩, 哩哩哩哩哩哩。 你认识我,我认识你, 你是神奇的do re mi, 在幸福里,在节日里...阅读全文

  • 儿歌同唱一首歌歌词

    小冬木小卓玛, 小古力小莲花, 从小同唱一首歌, 亲爱的祖国像呀像妈妈. 小冬木小卓玛, 小古力小莲花, 从小同唱一首歌, 亲爱的祖国像呀像妈妈....阅读全文

  • 儿歌亲爱的回声歌词

    亲爱的回声你可好? 哈啰,哈啰,哈啰,哈啰, 回声他也向你问好。 哈啰,哈啰,哈啰,哈啰, 哈啰,哈啰,哈啰,哈啰, 你可愿过来游玩? 我们知道你是一个好伙伴, 但你总是那样遥远...阅读全文

  • 儿歌一支短笛轻轻地吹歌词

    傍晚的山坡多么美, 一支短笛轻轻地吹, 哩哩嘟的,哩哩嘟的嘟哩嘟哩的, 一支短笛轻轻地吹哩嘟的。 鸟儿听了停住唱,哩嘟的, 白云听了不肯飞,哩嘟的, 不是白云天上落呦, 羊儿跟在...阅读全文