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英语儿歌The Candy Man视频


flash英语儿歌The Candy Man在线播放及免费下载,儿童英语歌曲The Candy Man歌词:Who can take the sunrise,谁能够将太阳升起, Sprinkle it with dew,并洒满美丽的露珠, Cover it with chocolate,然后裹上巧克力, and a miracle or two,再拌着一两个小奇迹, The candy man the candy man,糖果人 糖果人, Oh the candy man can.噢,糖果人可以做到. the candy man can.糖果人可以做到. The candy man can cause,糖果人可以做到是因为, he mixes it with love and makes, the world taste good, 它把这些和爱混合在一起,并使这个世界充满美好, Who can take the rainbow,谁能将彩虹, Wrap it in the sun,把太阳包围, Soak it in the sun and. make a groovy kind of pie, 做成一个可口的饼干, The candy man,糖果人, Oh the candy man can,噢,糖果人可以做到, the candy man can.糖果人可以做到. The candy man can cause he, 糖果人可以做到因为它, mixes it with love and makes, the world taste good, 把这些和爱混合在一起,并使这个世界充满美好. the candy man makes, everything he bakes, 糖果人可以把一些都烤成饼干, Satisfying every mission, Talk about your childhood wishes, You can even make the dishes, 把你童年的愿望告诉它, 你的愿望就能变成现实, Who can take tomorrow,谁能把明天, Dip it in a dream,沉浸在睡梦里, Separate the sorrow and,并把忧伤剥离, collect up all the cream,涂满所有的奶油, The Candy Man,糖果人, Oh the Candy Man can,噢,糖果人可以做到, The Candy Man can.糖果人可以做到. cause he mixes it with love, 因为它把这些和爱混合在一起, and makes the world taste good, 并使这个世界充满美好, Makes the world taste good.

