
  • Cards英语小故事下载 Cards英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    Cards,纸牌少儿英语小故事视频下载 纸牌 Cards Once upon a time there was a little boy named William. He liked cutting paper into funny shapes. Once,he cut and glued together a palace,which was so big that it covered the whole table.Willi...

  • The White Snake Meat英语小故事下载 The White Snake Meat英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The White Snake Meat,白蛇肉少儿英语小故事视频下载 白蛇肉 The White Snake Meat Once upon a time,there was a king and his wisdom was famous nation-wide.He knew everything and could understand what the creatures said. However,no one kne...

  • The monkey and the peach英语小故事下载 The monkey and the peach英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The monkey and the peach,小猴摘桃少儿英语小故事视频下载 小猴摘桃 The monkey and the peach In the monkey hill lived a clever monkey . He was very smart but he always lost his things. And he could do nothing well. There is no fun in...

  • The Mol英语小故事下载 The Mol英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The Mol,鼹鼠少儿英语小故事视频下载 鼹鼠 The Mol It is said that the mole's eyes are blind. But he says to his mother that he can see. His mother wants to test him. The mother brings a little food to put in front of him and asks him wha...

  • Good friend TV station英语小故事下载 Good friend TV station英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    Good friend TV station,好朋友电视台少儿英语小故事视频下载 好朋友电视台 Good friend TV station The hedgehog was ill in bed. The little rat was sorry for that, but he couldn't help. At noon the rat passed by a room and saw a big...

  • The Animal Musicians英语小故事下载 The Animal Musicians英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The Animal Musicians,当音乐家去少儿英语小故事视频下载 当音乐家去 The Animal Musicians A donkey, a dog and a cat walk together. They are old so they are afraid they will be killed by their masters. So they flee from their house an...

  • The Slow Bear英语小故事下载 The Slow Bear英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The Slow Bear,慢吞吞的小熊少儿英语小故事视频下载 慢吞吞的小熊 The Slow Bear The bear was very very slow. He could do things the most slowly of all. And he talked very slowly, too. Too slowly for others to stand. One summer the...

  • 12 Travelers Come by Postal Car英语小故事下载 12 Travelers Come by Postal Car英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    12 Travelers Come by Postal Car,乘邮车来的十二位旅客少儿英语小故事视频下载 乘邮车来的十二位旅客 12 Travelers Come by Postal Car The suburb has a postal car,12 people sit on it to represent the 12 months of the year.They...

  • In the Distant Sea Pole英语小故事下载 In the Distant Sea Pole英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    In the Distant Sea Pole,在遥远的海极少儿英语小故事视频下载 在遥远的海极 In the Distant Sea Pole Among the high and distant hills,there is a village,where an old grandma and her two grandsons live.The elder one is Walt;the young...

  • The Horse and the Deer英语小故事下载 The Horse and the Deer英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The Horse and the Deer,马和鹿少儿英语小故事视频下载 马和鹿 The Horse and the Deer Once upon a time ,a horse owned the grassland. One day ,a little deer who barged in the grassland wanted to enjoy grassland with the horse. The horse w...

  • Beauty英语小故事下载 Beauty英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697


  • The little fox’s examination英语小故事下载 The little fox’s examination英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The little foxs examination,小狐狸过关少儿英语小故事视频下载 小狐狸过关 The little foxs examination The little fox wanted to grow crops He wanted the old fox to teach him So he went to ask the old fox Can you teach me how to grow...

  • Bottle Neck英语小故事下载 Bottle Neck英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    Bottle Neck,瓶子颈少儿英语小故事视频下载 瓶子颈 Bottle Neck A bottle on the counter of a shop is full of valuable champagne.It is smooth and elegant looking.One day,a young man quickly bought it,and took it to an engagement party. Th...

  • The White House英语小故事下载 The White House英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The White House,白房子少儿英语小故事视频下载 白房子 The White House Winter came, the rabbit, the cat and the squirrel each built a nice house. The green one was the rabbits, the yellow one was the cats, and the squirrels was blue. Th...

  • The hooded rat and the leaping sweets英语小故事下载 The hooded rat and the leaping sweets英语小故事下载 浏览次数:2697

    The hooded rat and the leaping sweets,皮皮鼠吃跳跳糖少儿英语小故事视频下载 皮皮鼠吃跳跳糖 The hooded rat and the leaping sweets It was dark, Four hooded rats were yawning. So their parents said to them: Time for bed now. The...